Monday, March 5, 2012

Time changes ideas!

The Huntsman is done and ready to be framed. It wound up very different from the original idea, but I am happy with it.

I also knocked out a quick study of my retired Grand Prix horse. It is titled "In His Pasture" and is oil pastels on board. I based it on last summer during the prairie burns. You will just be able to see the smoke from the burn in the upper right.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 How time flies!

Retirement is the BEST!!! I am still getting used to it, but love all the time that has become available to me. Time was always such a precious commodity when I was working out of the home.
I still don't waste it, but now at the end of a day when I start to think "oh drat, I have to go back to work tomorrow" and then realize that I don't.....well, it is really wonderful!
I am still plugging away on The Huntsman. But I like how it is developing. I think it just is better because I am going so slowly on it.

Hawaiian Light and Shanghai Spring are framed now and entered in the AAEA Spindletop Invitational exhibit for 2012. As well as The Huntsman...entered that is, not framed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

two watercolors in the works

these are images for Fort Riley Cavalry museum

watercolors with pencil

"morning review"


"good boy"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

travelling through texas

these are things/places I saw while travelling through texas this past week.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Memorial today for Traveller

I had a sad afternoon. I went to photograph the memorial service for one of the Ft Riley Honor Guard horses. I will post photos later and his history.
He is the fellow that I drew the portrait of earlier.
What a sad loss.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I think this could be called "Spaghetti Western"