ahhh I looked at my calendar at work and realized that I had no meetings or major events to contend with, so I told my boss that I was taking the rest of the week off. She is a great supe, and she agreed that this was a good opportunity to use some personal time. So I have until Tuesday to work on my painting AND my horses! And I won't have to get up at 4am!!!...I probably will just out of habit, but I don't have to and that makes all the difference!
I have my composition worked out, and I am starting to transfer it to the panel.
My biggest anxiety is that I will mess up the base and thus mess up my portion of the mural. I am not the type of artist that plays well with others, I guess.
But I just have to start putting down paint. I know once I start it will be easy and come right out.
So, you are thinking, let's see the idea!...but no, because I have been thinking about copyrights and blogging and the world wide web and the Orphan Art Bill...so I think I will wait and let the main mural folks post the image first.
I can assure you that it is fantastic, take my word for it!
On the horse side, I was riding down the road today with both my horses (my friend Wayne was on my mare) and a friend of his stopped to say hi. He introduced me and my horses to her and she said ( VBG) "Oh is he the wonderful horse that everyone is talking about?!" ....I am grinning from ear to ear! People are talking about my boy?....well, he deserves it!