well, I think it is done. I am pretty happy with how it came out. And very happy that it has time to dry before I ship it out.
This photo doesn't show the true gradations of color, that is disappointing, because that is a big part of the picture.
The title is Evolution: War Horses (copyrighted by the artist 2008)
The inspiration for the Evolution series are the cave paintings of horses. They start the story .
On the far right is Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great. Alexander loved this firey horse so much that a city was named in his honor.
The big grey is my interpretation of Marengo. According to my research, Napoleon rode grey arabs mostly. But there are no records of a horse called Marengo. Napoleon was known for giving nicknames, so it is probable that after his major victory in Marengo, he started calling his horse of the moment by that nickname.
On the far left is a US cavalry remount from the early 20th century. Fading back into the cave wall is Old Glory. The stars become handprints put there by an early civilization. A statement that "We were here".
There are lots of interpretations that can be extrapolated from this painting. But honestly, when I composed it and painted it, there was no hidden adgenda or message. I encourage you to let your imagination wander as you look at the images of great horses that are a part of great civilizations.