Monday, December 28, 2009

The Huntsman day 1 and 2

I modified the composition and began laying down paint over the Christmas weekend. I have been using large brushes to force me away from details.

I'm using the Daniel Greene palette. I watched his video before beginning and for the FIRST time, I am confident about what colors to use and how to mix.

I am happy with how it is proceeding, and so far haven't had the thought that "it is a piece of trash-what was I thinking-" a major step forward for me!

It is different from my previous works because of how loose it is. But still recognizable as my "style" because of the composition, I believe.

Some changes in my personal life have really motivated me to paint or draw everyday now. No more procrastination. So I have my studio set up and lots of different sizes of canvas, or paper so nothing stands in my way (except myself).

I will also work on my sculpture that has patiently been waiting for years.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

kabuki head

I found an antique kimono that I will use as reference for this painting. It is beautiful.

finding reference for the wig has been unsuccessful so far.

but I just got a new book in yesterdays mail, hopefully it will help.

Huntsman 28 Nov

so I haven't been completely idle although distracted again. I did a small clay modeling of the head and upper torso to work out anatomy and lighting.

today I will check the layout again and hopefully start laying down some paint.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Huntsman delayed

so shortly after posting the last blog, I was getting dressed for work and while balancing on one leg and trying to slip my other into the slacks, I lost my balance. Hopping and twisting and falling resulted in a strained lower back. I spent 4 days in bed.

I did take some modeling clay and worked on the shape of the huntsman so that I can hit it with different lighting to help determine how the painting light will be.

Plus, I came up with a new idea for a painting. The kimono will be large sheets of watercolor. The kabuki face will be very stylized like a woodblock print. the wig hair will be intricate for the design element.

The eyes, brows, and possibly the nose I will do on a new gallery wrap canvas I saw at the art store. It is cut at an angle so that it appears to float above the surface.

Will it work? I have no idea, but the idea intrigues me. I also have no idea where I will put it in my house.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Huntsman

I got the image laid down on canvas. Actually, not the canvas that I made a special trip to buy (30x40) but more rectangular. I will continue with this one because I like the flow better. I might go back to the more square one later, who can say.
Next step is to follow Michelle's guidance once again and make certain that my point of interest is right where it is supposed to be.
I am excited by this image and wish that I hadn't run out of time today. But because I did so many chores today, I will have most of tomorrow for the canvas.

Friday, November 6, 2009

the Huntsman

got this idea about three weeks ago and have been doodling ever since. Today I think I finally got the image out of my mind and onto paper.

Here is the initial rough (complete with lines from the notepaper I was using) and a cropped version with some color roughed in.

I hope that I can keep the feeling of this little sketch all the way to the final piece, which will be as big as I can get. (I was hoping to do it 4ft by 6ft)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Artist in Residence at Kentucky

I spent a week at the Kentucky Horse Park as Artist in Residence with AAEA. Even with the off and on rain, I had a great time and got lots of good reference photos.

Here are three small pieces that I did in the AAEA studio.

I recommend other AAEA artists to do the AIR program!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update on Sidetracked!

I did finish the big chicken head but wound up leaving it in Hawaii. It now greets visitors to Green Flamingo B&B in Waimanalo.

OMG! It's totally been unbelievable!

I can't believe it has been so long since I posted, or done any meaningful artwork. I have done dribs and dabs but now......
I am packing for Kentucky and flying out tomorrow morning to be the Artist In Residence at the Kentucky Horse Park for this last week of May.
Packing has been full of difficult decisions mainly because of the airport security restrictions! So I am taking very little with me in supplies.
My camera equipment, drawing kit, acrylic paint kit, and small watercolor tablets. Plus my thumbdrive and some smartcards that I will use to display work electronically at the Horse park gallery.
I went to the TSA website and printed out their declaration that camera equipment is allowed. A visit to some photo website blogs and I learned that most airports don't hassle you.
Crossing my fingers!!
A last quick visit to the barn to check on Sy and Bebe and I am off!