Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update on Sidetracked!

I did finish the big chicken head but wound up leaving it in Hawaii. It now greets visitors to Green Flamingo B&B in Waimanalo.

OMG! It's totally been unbelievable!

I can't believe it has been so long since I posted, or done any meaningful artwork. I have done dribs and dabs but now......
I am packing for Kentucky and flying out tomorrow morning to be the Artist In Residence at the Kentucky Horse Park for this last week of May.
Packing has been full of difficult decisions mainly because of the airport security restrictions! So I am taking very little with me in supplies.
My camera equipment, drawing kit, acrylic paint kit, and small watercolor tablets. Plus my thumbdrive and some smartcards that I will use to display work electronically at the Horse park gallery.
I went to the TSA website and printed out their declaration that camera equipment is allowed. A visit to some photo website blogs and I learned that most airports don't hassle you.
Crossing my fingers!!
A last quick visit to the barn to check on Sy and Bebe and I am off!