Monday, May 10, 2010

two watercolors in the works

these are images for Fort Riley Cavalry museum

watercolors with pencil

"morning review"


"good boy"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

travelling through texas

these are things/places I saw while travelling through texas this past week.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Memorial today for Traveller

I had a sad afternoon. I went to photograph the memorial service for one of the Ft Riley Honor Guard horses. I will post photos later and his history.
He is the fellow that I drew the portrait of earlier.
What a sad loss.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I think this could be called "Spaghetti Western"

Creature Comforts

I took advantage of great weather on Sunday and rode my Old Man. Then I watched Stephanie Burbach Weinberger jump my mare, Bebe (The Babe).

Bebe has not been jumping long and really enjoys it. Here are some shots of her.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

portrait of ft riley horse

I finished this pretty much today. I will add his name and unit crest in the lower right corner.

The cavalry color guard are very happy with it. "It's better than a photograph!"

so I'm happy too!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

two pieces this weekend

Spring is in the air. We had a blizzard (kinda sorta) on Friday,very cold Saturday, and today the sun came out to start melting the snow.
since I was stuck inside, I worked on this small watercolor and ink drawing. It is from a reference photo by Linda Schantz. size is 4x6 on paper.

the next piece started but not finished (and deadline is tomorrow!) is a memorial portrait of one of the mounts from the Ft Riley Honor Guard. He was found dead in the pasture a little while ago. He was a handsome 12 yr old Quarter Horse. His main job was to bring in flowers for the commander's wife. He always had one ear cocked back onto his rider.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sypher in Hawaii

6x6 oil on hardboard (new material that I am trying-so far I like it)

using a photo of my horse that I shot in Hawaii. He is my favorite model.

got stuck with the larger pieces so hopefully this little one will pop the cork.

I do need to clean off my palette and squeeze out new paint.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

worked on the figure more today. I like the color of the jacket now, the leg, head/helmut shapes are better as are the colors. still not content with the shoulders. I like the setting, and the colors and activity.